Greeks respect logic (they've invented it!) and are skilled at pleasing (and often manipulating) other nationalities. Non-Greeks will find that they're rambling on forever and arguing about everything just for the shake of arguing.

They hold many lengthy, argumentative and intense discussions amongst themselves. Greeks are very verbose and intense in their conversations. Try speaking a few Greek words or join in Greek dances and your Greek hosts will love you! Greeks love when foreigners take interest to speak Greek (even a few words). The person who extends the invitation usually pays for all people invited. When someone is invited to a dinner out they're not expected to pay. Overall Greeks are very demonstrative and affectionate. Greeks usually greet each other (men and women alike) by embracing and kissing each other on both cheeks. Hugging and kissing in public is very common.

They're excellent and generous hosts and their hospitality can many times be embarrassing to non-Greeks.

Greeks are usually very friendly and hospitable people. The Greek way of life Manners, communication and way of life